Qixol Promo provides the Loyalty Scheme Management module, to manage Loyalty Schemes, Accounts and Contacts.
Contact Qixol to arrange a review of your Loyalty needs and take an in-depth look at the Promo Loyalty Scheme Management module.
The Promo Loyalty Scheme Management module is designed to expand the functionality of the Promo basket validation routines. This can include:
oIdentifying customers as being part of a Loyalty Scheme, and therefore applying promotions which are only available to customer in that Scheme
oEarning points for customers in a Scheme based on basket spend
oEarning points for Issue Points type promotions applied to the basket
oEarning points for customers who are not in a Scheme (Loyalty prospects). Points earned for Prospects can ten be communicated to the customer to encourage them to sign up
Further to this, the Loyalty Scheme Management module provides additional API routines to support the checkout steps of the sales process:
oContact Enquiry to lookup the points available to be redeemed for the contact
oRedeem Points for an account against the transaction
Tools are provided to allow the Portal users to manage Schemes, Accounts and Contacts, including:
oBlocking and unblocking accounts, and viewing history of blocking activity
oViewing transaction history for accounts and contacts
oMoving accounts between Schemes
oBulk Imports of Accounts and Contacts
oManual points adjustments
And much more....