Attributes extend the information stored against an Entity. In Qixol Promo the Basket and Product entities permit the creation of custom attributes. A custom attribute can have multiple possible values, and when creating promotions the values can be used to target the promotion at only baskets or products that have the required attribute value.
System Attributes
Each entity will have system attributes. These are attributes that are automatically created for each company, and represent frequently used or required information about an entity. Examples of System Attributes defined against the Basket Entity are Sale Date, Basket Id, Delivery Method, and Delivery Price. System attributes cannot be deleted, but where they support multiple values their values can be added, modified and deleted.
Custom Attributes
Custom attributes for Baskets must be created in the Promo Portal. The values for attributes can be imported in the Promo Portal/Promo API, or can be created individually in the Promo Portal.
When baskets are submitted for validation they can optionally include the attribute with a value.
Custom attributes for Products can either be created in the Promo Portal, or will be automatically created when a product import includes an unknown attribute. The values for product custom attributes will also be automatically created when a product import encounters an unknown attribute value, or can be created in the Promo Portal. Alternatively, the product custom attribute values can be imported in the Promo Portal/Promo API - this can be useful when a full product catalogue is not being synchronized with Promo.
When baskets are submitted for validation the product attributes are retrieved for the products found in the basket, and these can then be used to identify which promotions could be applied. Further to this it is possible to override the value of a product attribute within the basket, which overrides any existing attribute value for the product (see the Attribute Fields below for more information).
To list all attributes defined, go to All Attributes under Configuration.
Attribute Fields
Editable on Create
Editable on Modify
The entity against which the attribute should be defined.
The entity cannot be changed once the attribute is created.
Display Name


The name of the attribute, visible to users of the Promo Portal.
Xml name/Token
The token is supplied with imports and basket validations.
The value cannot be changed once the attribute is saved.
Show In Products List?


For Product entity attributes only.
Indicates whether the values for the attribute should be presented in a column in all product lists.
Show in Configuration?


Flag indicating whether the attribute should be shown in the Configuration area, to provide quick access for all users.
Use value provided with basket lines?


For Product entity attributes only.
Indicates whether a value can be supplied with lines in the basket, and where supplied the value will override any looked up value held against the product.


A description to help users of the Portal understand the attribute and how it should be used.
Shown in the All Attributes list.
Set for system attributes created with the Company.
Managing Attributes
Attributes can be created, modified and deleted from the All Attributes list under Configuration.
System attributes cannot be deleted, but their values can be added, modified or deleted where the attribute is configured to permit multiple values.
Attribute Values
An attribute will typically have multiple possible values. For example, a Basket entity Channel attribute may have values indicating where a basket originated from, such as eCommerce, Store, Call Centre or App. Values can be imported or created manually. For Product entity attributes, values can also be created from the product import.
To view, modify and import values for an attribute, go to the All Attributes list under Configuration, open the required attribute, and select the Values tab.
Attribute Value Fields
Editable on Create
Editable on Modify
The value to be supplied in Product Imports, Attribute Value Imports or Basket Validation requests.
Display Name


The display name of the value, visible to users of the Promo Portal.