Product information held within Qixol Promo is used when creating and applying promotions, to target the promotions at specific products. Integrated eCommerce, ERP or other systems will typically have extensive product information, and the majority of this information does not need to be replicated in Qixol Promo. The Product information held in Qixol Promo is intentionally simplistic, to avoid the duplication of information, and to ensure that Promo only has the information needed to establish whether a product should be included in a promotion.
Products can be imported (see Product Import) or added, modified or deleted manually in the Promo Portal. Each product can have multiple attribute values defined, including multiple values for the same attribute where required. Attributes can be added to the products list to help users selecting and finding products, see Attributes for more information.
To view all products, go to Products under Configuration.
Product Fields
Editable on Create
Editable on Modify
Product Code

Where the Variant Code is not supplied, the Product Code must be unique. Where the Variant Code is supplied, the Product Code and Variant Code combination must be unique.
Variant Code


The code which identifies this variant of the product. The Product Code and Variant Code combination must be unique.

The description for the product - to help users of the Portal when creating and testing promotions. Visible only within the Promo portal.


Additional information to help users of the Promo Portal to identify the product. Not used for product lookup or searches.


The typical selling price of the product in the Company home currency - to help users of the Portal when creating and testing promotions.
Image URL


A full URL to a thumbnail image of the product - to help users of the Promo Portal to identify the product.
Recommended thumbnail size: 70 x 70 (pixels). Images will be scaled to these dimensions when displayed.
Always excluded from Promotions?


Flag indicating whether the product should never be discounted by line or basket level promotions.
Product Import
The simplest way of synchronizing products to Qixol Promo is using the Product Import. Products can be imported in the Promo Portal by navigating to the Products list from Configuration, and select Import Products from the toolbar. Products can also be imported using the Promo API (service method 20300).
A product import file can be structured as either JSON or XML.
For each product supplied in the product import, the Product Code and Variant Code is used to establish whether the product exists and as such should be updated, or is new and is therefore inserted. When a product is updated all product attribute values will be replaced with those supplied with the product. Alternatively, a flag can be provided with the product to persist the existing attributes, and where required product attribute values can be individually flagged to be deleted.
Each product import can contain a maximum of 1000 products. Product imports are queued and processed sequentially. Go to the Import Log under Configuration to see the results and progress of queued product imports.