1.On the Home Page, click the Setup & Extensions dropdown
2.Click Assisted Setup
3.In the list of Assisted Setups, under the Install extensions to add features and integrations, click the Set up Promo Integration link
4.This will launch the wizard for this process:
Where the extension is deployed to a non-production environment, a message may be displayed indicating that the extension is not configured to permit HttpClient requests. The Assisted Setup cannot continue until the Extension is configured to permit HttpClient requests.
To permit HttpClient requests:
oNavigate to the Extensions list.
oSelect the Qixol Promo Integration extension.
oOn the Manage menu, select Configure.
oOn the page displayed, ensure the Allow HttpClient Requests field is ticked.
Note: if at any point you need assistance during the setup, select Contact Qixol and complete the form
5.Click Next
6.If you have a licence key provided by Qixol then enter it into the Licence Key field.
Alternatively, to continue with an automatically assigned evaluation licence key, select Get an Evaluation Licence Key. Evaluation licence keys are valid for 30 days.
7.Click Next.
8.If you have an existing Promo Account, enter the Secret Key in the Promo Account Secret Key field, and select whether the account is Production or is an Evaluation/Development account using Promo Account is Production.
Alternatively, to continue with a new Promo Evaluation Account, select Get a Promo Evaluation Account.
9.Click Next.
10.Where you have selected to continue with either a new Evaluation Licence or a new Promo Evaluation Account, the page displayed will require you to provide your contact details. Complete the form and then click Next.
11.Items and Promotions can be synchronized between Qixol Promo and Business Central. To synchronize when completing the setup wizard, select the Push Items to Promo and Pull Promotions From Promo as required.
Further to this, if a daily automated synchronization is required, select Create Jobs to Push/Pull Daily.
12.Click Next
13.To complete the setup, click Next.