Each code in Promo has the following fields
The unique code. Editable only when creating a code for a Source Code coupon.
The current status of the code, which will indicate whether the code may be redeemed. Review the available code statuses for Source Codes or Voucher Codes.
Valid from
The date/time from which the code is available to be utilized.
Valid to
The date/time until which the code is available to be utilized.
Limit code uses
Select whether to restrict the number of times the code can be utilized by a promotion.
Uses remaining
[Read only]
Where Limit code uses is selected, the number of uses remaining.
Maximum uses
Where Limit code uses is selected, enter the maximum uses for the code.
Restrict uses per customer?
Select whether the code should have a restricted number of uses for each customer.
Uses per customer
Where Restrict uses per customer? is selected, enter the maximum uses for the code per customer.
Issued on
[Read only]
The date and time when the code was issued.
Only available for Voucher codes.
Issue reference
Where available a reference captured at the point of issue. Where codes are issued as the benefit from an Issue Voucher Code type promotion, the Issue reference will contain the basket reference against which the code was issued.
Only available for Voucher codes.
Issued to customer id
Where available, the customer Id to whom the code is issued. For a refer-a-friend scenarios the Issued to customer id will be configured to the customer who triggered the promotion, and will be used in combination with the Available to field to define whether the customer is permitted to use the code or not.
Available to
Used in conjunction with the Issued to customer id. Only available where an Issued to customer id is specified.
Select from:
Any customer
The code is available to any customer to redeem.
Only the issued to customer
The code can be redeemed against transaction for the Issued to customer id.
Any customer except the issued to customer
The code can be redeemed by any customer other than the Issued to customer id.
Withdrawing Codes
Where a code is created or issued in error, or for other business process reasons, it may be necessary to withdraw a code. Codes can be withdrawn within the Promo Portal, or using the Promo API import for Source Codes (request 20100 Import coupon codes, see API Schemas and Samples for more information).
To withdraw a code in the Promo Portal, navigate to the code and select Withdraw from the toolbar.
Importing Codes
Codes for a Source Code coupon can be managed using an import utility. The import can contain new codes, updates for existing codes, or flag existing codes to be deleted. Up to 10,000 codes may be imported at a time, and where required multiple imports can be queued. The import process supports data provided as XML, JSON or CSV, and samples and schemas are available.
To start an import from the Promo portal (and view schemas and samples), navigate to the Source Code, and select the Sub-Codes tab. Finally, select Import Codes from the toolbar. When importing codes in the Portal, select the file to be imported and then select Import. The import will be queued ready for processing as a background task.
If importing via the Promo API, use the method 20100 Import coupon codes see API Schemas and Samples for more information.
Note, to check on the progress of a Codes Import request, view the Import Log.
Generating Voucher Codes
Codes for Vouchers can be generated from the Promo Portal, or via the Promo API (request 20500 Generate Voucher Codes, see API Schemas and Samples for more information). When codes are generated, the Voucher configuration will be used to specify the maximum uses, valid from/to and other configuration.
Voucher code generation is completed as a background task, and where large volumes of codes are being generated it is recommended to perform this action outside of normal business hours to limit the impact on available resources.
To generate voucher codes in the Promo Portal, navigate to the Voucher and view the Serialized Codes tab. Select Generate Codes from the toolbar. When generating codes, the following fields are required:
Number of codes to generate
Specify the number of codes to be generated by this request. The value must be between 1 and 100,000.
Where additional codes are required, multiple requests can be queued.
Issue now?
Specify whether to generated codes with a status of Issued (where the option is selected) or Created (where the option is not selected).
Codes would typically be created with the Issue now? flag selected where they are intended to be exported from Promo and provided to the customer via a third party tool. The Issue now? flag would typically be left unselected where the codes are intended to be issued by an Issue Voucher Code type promotion.
Note, to check on the progress of a Generate voucher Codes request, view the Import Log.
Issue Voucher Code Now
Where code for a Voucher needs to be issued manually, this can be performed in the Promo Portal, by navigating to the Serialized Codes list for a Voucher, and for the selected code, select Issue Now from the toolbar.
When manually Issuing Now, the following fields are available:
Reference / Reason
The reason why the code was manually issued. The value will be stored against the code in the Issue Reference field.
Issued to Customer Reference
The reference/id of the customer to whom the code has been manually issued. The value will be stored against the code in the Issued to customer id field.
Exporting Codes
Codes can be exported from the Promo Portal, or via the Promo API (request 31100 Export Coupon/Campaign Codes, see API Schemas and Samples for more information). To export codes from the Promo Portal, navigate to the Source Code or Voucher and view the codes list, then select the Export Codes from the toolbar. When exporting codes the following fields are available:
Included Statuses:
Select the statuses of codes to be included in the export.
Page Size
Select the pages and page size to be exported.
A maximum of 20 pages can be exported at a time.
A maximum of 500 codes can be included in a page.
Exported Data Type
Select from XML or JSON
The name of the file to be created to contain the codes.
Restrict to codes issued after date/time?
Indicate whether to only export codes which were issued after the specified date/time.
Restrict by issuing store?
Indicate whether to only export codes which were issued by baskets of the specified store.
Restrict to generated codes by import reference
Indicate whether to only export codes which were generated by the specified import reference.
NOTE: to export all codes for a Voucher or Source Code, and to be able to export as CSV or Excel ready XML, use the Backups module. For more information, please contact Qixol.