Qixol Promo Help > Getting Started


Portal Features





The Qixol Promo Portal is where users can manage all aspects of the Organisation and Companies.


When logging in to the Portal, the Organisation Dashboard is displayed, where the required company can be opened.  If the organisation only has one company, the company is automatically opened.  To switch company at any time, select the Organisation Dashboard from the company menu towards the top right of the Portal page next to the Timezone selector.



Layout and Navigation


The Navigation Area on the left of the Portal allows the user to quickly jump to functions.  The Navigation Area can be collapsed by selecting the right edge.


Towards the top right of the Portal is the User Menu from which the user can change their password or logout.  Next to this is the Timezone selector, where the timezone used for all displayed dates and times in the Portal can be selected.  Lastly in this area, the Company Menu allows the user to switch companies within the organisation, or go to the Organisation Dashboard.


Tip: when switching company, hold down the CTRL key on the keyboard to open the current function in the company being switched to.


To see all available functions, go to Configuration


When viewing a function, the Breadcrumbs shown near the top of the page provide a quick way to jump back to the parent of the current function. 



Pinned and Recent Items


Pin the most used functions to speed up navigating around the Portal.  To pin a function, navigate to that function and select the Pin button towards the top of the page, next to the breadcrumbs.  Pinned items are shown in the Navigation Area under Pinned.  To remove a pinned item, select the X next to it in the Pinned list.  The Pinned Items list can include functions and lists, as well as data items (i.e. a specific promotion, coupon or product).


The recent items list shows the data items that have been viewed since login.  The recent items does not include functions or lists - these can be added to the Pinned Items if required, and is intended to simplify the user jumping back to a recently viewed data item.






The Qixol Promo Portal allows the user to have a preview look at data items by hovering (or selecting) the image next to the data item.  A QuickView is then presented showing key information about the data item.  This allows the user to quickly check key information about data items, without navigating away from the function they are currently using.




Grid Tools


Most grids in the Qixol Promo Portal support advanced tools to help with searching and managing the data being presented.   Columns can be re-ordered by dragging the column to the required position. 


Select the three dots to the right of a column to show options for the column.  This includes the ability to sort ascending or descending, choose which columns to be presented and enter/select a filter data value for the column.


Select the Display Options drop down towards the right of the grid's toolbar, where the following options are available for most grids:


oShow Filter Row


Display/hides a row at the top of the grid with a control to allow a value to be entered or selected, to filter the rows with a value for the column.


oShow Grouping Row


Displays/hides an area above the column headers to allow the grid data to be grouped by columns.  To group by a column, drag the header of the column to the grouping row.


oClear All Customizations


Restores the default view of the grid.  Hides the filter and grouping rows where visible, showing and resequencing columns as required to restore the default view.


oClear current filter


Where the rows are being filtered by value(s), clear all filters.


oSave filter


Save the current filter values.  Enter a name of the current filters, to allow the filter to be quickly recalled using the My Filters list.

Note:  This action is available on selected grids.


oMy filters


Shows a list of previously saved filters.  Select the filter and click OK (or double click/tap the required filter) to apply the filter to the grid.

Note:  This action is available on selected grids.


oExport to Excel


Save the displayed columns and rows to an Excel spreadsheet.


oExport to Pdf


Save the displayed columns and rows to a PDF document.





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