Welcome to the Qixol Promo extension for Business Central
Qixol Promo extends the Promotional, Voucher/Coupon and Loyalty functionality of order taking systems. The advanced promotions engine provides the following benefits to integrated systems:
•Advanced discounting capabilities, including:
oDiscounts applied to targeted items, based on item number or by item attributes.
oDiscounts applied to the entire order.
oDiscounts applied to the shipping charge.
oQualification thresholds based on purchase quantity or spend value.
oMultibuy, mix and match, deal price and many more scenarios.
•Issue free gifts, including customer free gift selection.
•Voucher/Coupon code validation/redemption
•Receive a Voucher/Coupon code for future use, as the benefit of a promotion
•Loyalty points and loyalty benefits
•Additional Benefits:
oCentralized management of promotions, voucher/coupon and associated collateral, for integrated systems in multi-channel scenarios
oHighlight products on promotion
oMissed Promotions reports upsell opportunities
A Qixol Promo account is required when using the Business Central Extension for Qixol Promo. An evaluation account can be setup during the Assisted Setup.
Qixol Promo Integration to Business Central
The Business Central extends the core Business Central functionality for Sales Order processing. When creating and updating Sales Orders, promotions are calculated based on the Sales Lines and entered coupon/voucher code (where available).
The Applied Promotions list shows all promotions applied to the Sales Order, including discount amounts where applicable. Where available a selection can be made for available free gifts, and near-miss promotions are shown to highlight upsell opportunities.
A licence is required for the Business Central Extension for Qixol Promo. An evaluation licence can be applied during the Assisted Setup.