To manage the integration to Qixol Promo, select Promo Integration under Setup & Extensions.
Promo Account
The integration to Qixol Promo requires details on the Qixol Promo Account's company to which the integration will be linked. A Qixol Promo Account can have multiple companies, where typically each company is mapped to an environment or brand. The Promo Integration Key is automatically assigned to each company and for evaluation/development companies can be viewed within Qixol Promo under Configuration / Manage Company. For production companies the key is provided by Qixol, please contact technical support for assistance.
Promo Integration Key

Enter the Qixol Promo Account's company secret key.
Evaluation Company

Indicate whether the company being linked to is an Evaluation/Development company.
Connection Active
Flag indicating whether the connection to Qixol Promo is active. The connection is validated by selecting the Test Connection action.
Show Promo Logo

Flag indicating whether to show the Qixol Promo logo in the Promotion Information Factbox available to Sales Order and Sales Order List pages. The field is only available where the integrated company is not an evaluation company.
Connection Status
The connection status information. The connection is validated by selecting the Test Connection action.
After entering account company details, select the Test Connection action.
Item Sync
Items (and Item Variants) can be synced with Qixol Promo. For further information on the information included in the sync operation, see Items. The Item Sync is performed by the Job Queue Entry, created as part of the Assisted Setup.
Sync Items

Flag indicating whether items should by sent to Promo.
Sync Batch Size

The number of items to send to Promo in each batch. The maximum batch size is 1000.
Sync From Date

The date and time from which to look for Item modifications.
Item Details to Synchronize
Select the attributes to be synchronized with Items and Item Variants.
The source of the details to be synchronized.
Attribute Name
Where available, the name of the source attribute.
Is Synchronized

Flag indicating whether the details should be synchronized.
Attribute Token

Specify the token of the target attribute in Qixol Promo.
Override Value with Each Basket

Flag indicating whether the attribute value should be provided with each basket. This option should only be used where the values for the Item or Item Variant attributes changes more frequently than the Item synchronization routine is executed.
To refresh the list of available Attributes, select Refresh under Manage.
Orders To Promo
Configure when a Sales Order will be sent to Qixol Promo to validate for available promotions.
Use Invoice Discount

Flag indicating whether promotional discounts which are applied to the entire basket should be captured in the Invoice Discount Amount field against the Sales Order.
Where the flag is unset, the basket level discounts will be captured against the Sales Lines in the Promo Header Discount Amount field.
Calculate On Demand

Flag indicating whether the user can calculate promotions against the Sales Order on demand. When the flag is set, the user can select Calculate Promotions from the Process menu to begin the calculation operation.
Confirm On Demand

Flag indicating whether the user can confirm the Sales Order on demand. For more details on confirming Sales Orders, see Sales Orders.
Auto-Confirm on Post

Flag indicating whether the Sales Order should be automatically updated to be Confirmed when it is posted.
Auto Calculate Promotions
On Order Release

Auto-calculate promotions against the Sales Order when it is released.
On Gift Selection

Auto-calculate promotions against the Sales Order after a Free Gift Selection is completed.
On Order Confirm

Auto-calculate promotions against the Sales Order after the order is manually confirmed.
Promotion Extended Information Sync
Promotion information can be synchronized with Qixol Promo, allowing for a more interactive experience in Business Central. For further information on the information included in the sync operation, see Promotions. The Promotion Sync is performed by the Job Queue Entry, created as part of the Assisted Setup.
Sync Promotions From Promo

Flag indicating whether promotions should be pulled from Qixol Promo.
Banner Attribute

The name of the Qixol Promo Collateral attribute from which to pull the banner image URLs.
Terms Attribute

The name of the Qixol Promo Collateral attribute from which to pull the promotion terms of use text.
Prompt Attribute

The name of the Qixol Promo Collateral attribute from which to pull the user/customer prompt text.
Last Sync Date
The date and time of the last Promotion synchronization.
Promotion Banners
Promotion banners can be displayed on pages (such as Applied Promotion, Missed Promotions and Select Lists), and can be displayed as part of the active promotions scroller.
Show Banners on Pages

Flag indicating whether to show promotion banner images (where available) on the Applied Promotion, Missed Promotion and Select List pages.
Show Active Promotions Banners

Flag indicating whether to show the active promotions scroller on the Sales Order List and Sales Order pages.
Note: promotion banners are configured as part of the promotion information pulled from Promo. The banner image URL is stored as collateral data against the promotion, using the Banner Attribute value.