In the Features video series we look at getting started with creating your first promotion, understanding the role of Attributes in Promo and how you can use them to extend the information about Baskets and Products in Promo. We'll also look into some of the promotion types, how to use Campaign/Coupon codes, and some of the more advanced features of Promo.

1. Creating your first promotion
In this video we'll create our first promotion, providing an overview of the promotion creation process, and show you how to test your promotion using the Basket Builder.

2. Understanding Attributes
In this video we'll look the role of Attributes in Promo, and how they are used to extend the Basket and Product entities in Promo.

3. Promotion Types: Bundle
In this video we'll look at how to configure and test Promotions using the Bundle Promotion Type.

4. Promotion Types: Basket % or Value Off
In this video we'll look at how to configure and test Promotions using the Basket % or Value Off Promotion Type..

5. Promotion Types: Deal Price
In this video we'll look at how to configure and test Promotions using the Deal Price Promotion Type..

6. Campaigns/Coupons
In this video we'll look at the different types of Campaign/Coupons available in Promo, and how to configure and use their codes within your Promotions.

7. Importing your data
In this video we'll look at how to import your products, Campaign/Coupon codes and attribute values in to Promo, ready for use when creating promotions.

8. Advanced Features
In this video we look into some of the more advanced features of Promo, including Conflict Resolution, managing multiple user accounts, Reporting Codes, Publishing your promotions and more.

9. Missed Promotions
In this video we look at how Promo returns details on Missed Promotions with your baskets, and the information that is provided with each Missed Promotion.